Games with the Most Minutes as of Mar 2007 (since October 2006)
Wow, this is cool!! There are some pretty big changes to the list and several new games made it to the top 25 list. The same thing happened this year that happened last year, a big decline in game playing at the beginning of the year. I only played 3,689 minutes a 56% decline from the previous quarter. Other then the seasonal reasons, Andrew not playing as many games with me now that he has his drivers license.
The average this quarter is 41 minutes per day for the 90 days. Quite a drop from the 1 hours & 33 minutes per day last quarter.
Four games improved their position on the top 25 list and I was not really surprised, as I knew that we played these games a lot.
- I predicted last time that Twilight Imperium 3rd Ed. (TI3) was going to rise and it did to number 1.
- Settlers of Catan also moved up 2 places, as we have introduced this game to some new players.
- Descent: Journeys in the Dark climbed up 8 spots after being played several times at the Strategy Gamers World game days.
- Carcassonne also climbed 7 spots after a session at Rockheads board game night and a long session at home of EVIL Carcassonne with George, Kristin and Kathy (George was really Evil to Kristin).
Nine new games made it on to the list. I don’t think that we will ever get that many new games on the list because as time goes on it will take more minutes to make it into the top 25.
- Zac’s game he got for his birthday is new to the list Runebound: Sands of Al-Kalim and it debuted at #10. It was a 5+ hour session but we had a good time.
- The original Runebound another of Zac’s games was new to the list at #14. Unfortunately I am not sure how long the Runebound games will stay in the top 25. It looks like Zac is going to be moving to Denver CO this summer.
- RoboRally a favorite of mine made the list at #18. This might improve or at least stay somewhere in the top 25.
- HeroScape which I got for my birthday last year debuts at #20 but should improve. I have a ton of HeroScape stuff and a couple of people have asked to play.
- Ticket to Ride makes the list at #20. We used to play this a lot and it has had a resurgence similar to Settlers of Catan.
- El Grande is one of David’s (SGW game days) games and one of his favorites. I was able to play it a couple of times last quarter and it is a good game that I would someday like to add to my collection.
- Fury of Dracula is another of Zac’s games. He got it for Christmas 2006. Again I am not to sure how long this is going to stay on the list once he moves to Denver.
- Hero Clix is another game that I don’t own. This is another of David’s games. For his birthday the large group of gamers battled Spectre (see pictures from the game session) who was controlled by David.
- We also started a new Modern Roleplaying Game that David was the Gamemaster for.