9-11 rememberance
         July 4, 2006
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2006 July 4 - Game Day at our house

On July 4th Kathy invited some of the students over to our house for a game day.  We played “Settlers of Catan”, all of the “Ticket to Ride” games and “Railroad Tycoon”.  A great time was had by all!!  (link to Session Report)

CLICK on a picture to see larger images with captions.

GameDay Myers - Amber, Kathy & Tracy

GameDay Myers - Amber, Kathy & Tracy

GameDay Myers - Amber, Kathy & Tracy

GameDay Myers - Aaron, Jacob, Andrew, Tim & Jamie

GameDay Myers - Aaron, Jacob, Andrew, Tim & Jamie

GameDay Myers - Tim & Jamie

GameDay Myers - Andrew, Eric & Jamie

GameDay Myers - Jacob, Amber, Kathy, Tracy & Aaron

GameDay Myers - Tracy, Jacob, Amber and Kathy

GameDay Myers - Tracy, Jacob, Amber and Kathy

CLICK on a picture to see larger images with captions.

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updated 12-10-2006



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