It has only taken me about 3 months to get around to getting Kathy’s Birthday pictures posted this year. This is much better then last year when it took me over 9 months to get them on the web site.
I did not score points on my execution of her birthday however. I failed to make her a candy bar card like I did last year (Kathy’s 2006 Birthday). My gift presentation was also pretty lame. I did not exactly have a present wrapped for her, I just told her she could spend so much on what she wanted. Kathy deserves better then that and next year I will have to make sure that she has a really EXTRA SPECIAL birthday. Please leave any comments on my poor Birthday Party planning and execution in my guest book (I am prepared for some pain, but try to be gentle?).
On Kathy’s birthday she went to a Chocolate Boutique that her Church had with Amber, a student from Carthage College. They did girl things at the Chocolate Boutique during the morning and afternoon and had a good time. In the evening Kathy and I went to a play at Carthage , “Stop Kiss”. This play was directed by Amanda (not Zac’s Amanda) another one of the students that work at the library.
On Sunday we went to Cici’s Pizza and Ikea for Kathy’s birthday. Amanda (Zac’s fiancee) and her sister Emily joined us along with Lukas’ girl friend Amy for our belated Birthday celebration for Kathy. The Cici’s that we usually go to was closed so we went to the next closest one and had a great lunch. After we ate way too much pizza we went to Ikea to try and walk off some of what we ate.
We bought a Strawberry Cheesecake at Sam’s Club on the way back home for Kathy’s Birthday cake. The cheesecake was really good and we managed to make it last more then just the one day.