9-11 rememberance
          Sept - Nov, 06
Painted Guest Room

Sept - Nov 2006: Painted Guest Room

It didn’t take 3 months, it was more like a month plus.  First I had to clean out the room and patch any holes.  Next I had to tape up the trim and finally paint.  Finally put up the bookcases and move everything back into the room.  Oh, replaced the wimpy little single bulb light with a 4 bulb ceiling fan.

This is a combination Library / Guest / Sewing / Gaming room. 

CLICK on a picture to see larger images with captions.

Game Room - Tim masking trim

Game Room - Tim masking trim

Game Room - Tim painting

Game Room - Tim painting

Game Room - Tim painting

Game Room - Tim building bookcases

Game Room - Tim building bookcases

Game Room - 3 section bookcase

Game Room - Kathy's bookcase

Game Room - Bookcase by the door

Game Room - Finished game-guest room

Game Room - Finished game-guest room

CLICK on a picture to see larger images with captions.

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updated 12-10-2006



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