9-11 rememberance
     July 21, 2006
Paul's Ordination

July 21, 2006: Paul’s Ordination in Decatur IL

Paul was ordained a minister and Steve, Carol, Kathy and I went to his ordination in Decatur, IL.  Myleah (Paul’s daughter) was a surprise guest from Minnesota for the day.   

CLICK on a picture to see larger images with captions.

Pauls Ordination - Paul before ordination

Pauls Ordination - Choir before ceremony

Pauls Ordination - Myleah Sievert

Pauls Ordination - Keyboard player

Pauls Ordination - John Newton

Pauls Ordination - Colette, Paul and Brent

Pauls Ordination - Dr. Caroline Wady Reed

Pauls Ordination - Colette, Paul and Brent

Pauls Ordination - Paul and other Pastors

Pauls Ordination - Brent congradulating Paul

Pauls Ordination - Colette and Paul

Pauls Ordination - Galen, Colette, Paul and Brent

CLICK on a picture to see larger images with captions.

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updated 12-10-2006



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