Here are some pictures of our Game collection. When taking the pictures I was getting a terrible glare off of some of the boxes, so I starteed shooting down at the games instead of straight on. This worked great except the picture is a little wierd (narrower at the bottom). The digital camera is great except I like the flash I had on my 35mm camera, I could bounce it off of the ceiling.
Game Collection Count
June 2006: 253 games on Board Game Geek profile (includes Andrews games).
The bottom shelf is mostly all old 3M games. It has favorites such as 'Acquire', 'Stocks & Bonds' and 'High Bid'. I played High Bid last month (April 06) with the boys for the first time and they liked it. I remember playing 'High Bid' in college at my aunts house with my cousins.
My 'Formula De' and all 35 tracks are on the bottom shelf. Andrew and I have an ongoing league race going on, I think that right now we are about even on points. More Avalon Hill classics are on this shelf. I read lots of things on BGG saying that 'Magic Realm' is the ultimate character developement adventure game. There are new more user friendly rules for 'Magic Realm' on the internet that I have downloaded and one of these days we are going to have to play a game.
My D&D minis and dice are on the next shelf. Actually all of the dice are not mine, everybody has their own set of dice including Kathy, and they are here. 'Disk Wars' of which I have some unopened packages (I got a very good deal on them) is in the tackle boxes under the dice and minis. 'Challange Golf' is another game that we played while I was in college at my aunts. I remember I even got my uncle, who was into 'REAL' golf, to play with us. I think he even won the board game version.
'Axis and Allies' is probably one of the first games I really searched for in the mid 90's. After playing it a couple of times at a hobby shop in Waukegan IL, I knew I had to have it. The game was already out of print, but I thought some obscure hobby shop might have a copy. I searched every hobby shop I could find in Milwaukee and finally found a copy. Since then Hasbro has rereleased it under the Hasbro Avalon Hill name.
I am not sure how Kathy's Calligraphy set got on the middle shelf but it will have to go. The bottom shelf contains the lost and found for game bits, that get misplaced or knocked off of the table. When these bits are found they go to the bits graveyard until they can be rejoined with their game.
Another game worth mentioning is Scruples. Kathy hates this game and I like it. You have to answer questions about moral dilemmas and the other players have to determine if you are telling the truth or bluffing. Kathy does not like it because you have to be able to lie convincingly, or the other players will know if your answer is true or false.
Pirates of the Spanish Main (center) is another collectable game, that Andrew and I did for a while. We played in a league where we had to buy a pack each week and that was not too bad. I had a pirate fleet and Andrew had the British ships. The French were ones we had in case anybody else wanted to play. The mechanics of the game were pretty cool. You moved the ships around on the playing area (table top) either visiting islands and collecting gold or trying to destroy the other ships. The cards (long side and short side) were used to measure how far the ships could move. Attacks on other ships were determined by roling dice and when damage was done the mast on the enemy ships were removed. We always used "sticky note tabs" to mark destroyed masts.
Crimison Skies (right) is a semi collectable game based on a roleplaying game. The aircraft moved around the playing based on cards you selected for their movement. There were different factions and their planes were available in seperately. The thing that appealed to me was that, even though there were seperate sets for each faction the same planes for that faction were in the set.
Part of Zac's Blood Bowl arena that he bought at the auction at GenCon in 2004 is on top of the bookcase. I am not sure why I let Kathy keep her Left Behind books on this this bookcase. Andrews Carcassone and Settlers of Catan games and expansions are here. Ticket to Ride is a good gateway game for new players into Euro games. Of the 3 Ticket to Ride games my favorite is Marklin, the newest.
I am going to have to find a new spot for Power Grid and some old TSR games when Fantasy Flight Games comes out with Starcraft. This is going to be another BIG box game based on the computer game. It is supposed to be out Summer o6 but it will more likeky be out by Chrismas if we are lucky.
Supremacy is another game I had to get, Andrew and I bought it on Ebay. I made a LARGE mega map for it which is about 36" x 48" and is in none of the pictures I have posted. I played this at the hobby shop in Waukegan several years ago.
This is the bookcase which I am going to take over for storing more games. I have about 2/3 of the bookcase left that I can use.
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Updated 6-11-2006