Inntrepid's - RANTS

This page is about things that get me going, and I do not mean in a good way. I am sure that some people will disagree with my conclusions and ideas. They are free to replay to me HERE and I will try and post their replies when possible. Be sure to put the subject of what you are replying to in the subject of the email.

Jan. 22, 2006
I thought we had a Democracy, not a Monarchy or Secret Police State.
Have the Terrorist already won?

Nov. 27, 2005
Boycott Sony-BMG!
Should you be concerned about Sony's DRM and rootkit?

Oct. 2, 2005
It's not what you know, it's who you know.
Is cronyism effecting our safety and security?

Sept 4, 2005
Why can't they follow the Rules!
Doesn't the rule say 'Slower Traffic Keep Right'?

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Updated 1-22-2006